Category Archives: Uncategorized

Secret Recordings Emerge in Clinton Foundation Probe

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 3, 2016 Last night, at 10:04 p.m., two reporters at the Wall Street Journal tossed an incendiary device into the already smoldering debris of what is attempting to pass for a U.S. presidential election – where one of the two leading candidates is under a criminal investigation and the other was caught on tape bragging about being able to randomly grab women by their genitals. Wall Street Journal reporters Devlin Barrett and Christopher Matthews revealed last evening that the FBI has had an active investigation underway into the Clinton Foundation since last summer but in February of this year the Justice Department told the FBI agents to “stand down” on that investigation. The Clinton Foundation is a sprawling international charity which has accepted tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and foreign corporations as well as Wall Street firms and other U.S. … Continue reading

Changing the Culture of Wall Street Requires Ending Continuity Government in Washington

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 2, 2016  It’s more than a coincidence that at a time when the two leading candidates for the highest office in the United States are considered untrustworthy by tens of millions of their fellow citizens, the industry that has perpetually attempted to stack the political deck in Washington has also lost the trust of a majority of Americans. This feels to many like having Wall Street’s one percent at the rudder for the past two decades has finally steered the ship of state into a toxic sink hole that is devouring the credibility of the United States at home and abroad. Wall Street’s image has fallen so low that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is holding an annual “Reforming Culture and Behavior in the Financial Services Industry” conference. That New York Fed President Bill Dudley is heading up this conference shows … Continue reading

Shawn Lucas, Process Server for Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Lawsuit Died of Powerful Mix of Drugs

By Pam Martens: November 1, 2016 The Chief Medical Examiner’s Office for Washington, D.C. has released the findings on the cause of death of Shawn Lucas, the 38-year old process server who served the complaint against the Democratic National Committee and Debbie Wasserman Schultz on behalf of Senator Bernie Sanders’ supporters on July 1 of this year. One month later, his girlfriend arrived home to find Lucas lying dead on the bathroom floor of their apartment. According to an email received today from the Communications Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, the cause of death was: “Combined adverse effects of fentanyl, cyclobenzaprine, and mitragynine.” The manner of death was listed as an “Accident.” Family members could not be reached to determine if Lucas had any history of taking drugs. The National Institute on Drug Abuse calls Fentanyl “a powerful synthetic opioid analgesic that is similar to morphine but is 50 … Continue reading

If You Remove Trade Secrets from Goldman Sachs You’re Prosecuted; If You Remove Top Secret Files from the Government, You’re Good to Go

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 1, 2016 In July 2009, just two days after Goldman Sachs told the FBI that Sergey Aleynikov, a computer programmer at the firm, had removed source code containing trade secrets, Aleynikov was arrested by the FBI. Aleynikov was then prosecuted by the U.S. Justice Department and spent 51 weeks in prison before the Second Circuit Appeals Court threw out the case against him. The Appellate judges found the case against Aleynikov so unfounded that it ordered him released from jail immediately at oral arguments.  The Second Circuit opinion in the Aleynikov case was handed down on April 11, 2012, finding that the prosecutors misapplied the Federal corporate espionage laws. But Goldman Sachs and the FBI weren’t happy so they handed their evidence to Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan District Attorney. Under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, an individual is not permitted to … Continue reading

Clintons Are Under Multiple FBI Investigations as Agents Are Stymied

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 31, 2016 Current and former FBI officials have launched a media counter-offensive to engage head to head with the Clinton media machine and to throw off the shackles the Loretta Lynch Justice Department has used to stymie their multiple investigations into the Clinton pay-to-play network. Over the past weekend, former FBI Assistant Director and current CNN Senior Law Enforcement Analyst Tom Fuentes told viewers that “the FBI has an intensive investigation ongoing into the Clinton Foundation.” He said he had received this information from “senior officials” at the FBI, “several of them, in and out of the Bureau.” (See video clip from CNN below.) That information was further supported by an in-depth article last evening in the Wall Street Journal by Devlin Barrett. According to Barrett, the “probe of the foundation began more than a year ago to determine whether financial crimes or … Continue reading

Here’s How Wall Street Is Ripping You Off, and What You Can Do About It

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 27, 2016 Members of Congress were absolutely shocked – shocked! – that the employees of the commercial bank of Wells Fargo had created several million accounts and credit cards that their customers had never asked for simply to meet sales quotas set by the bank and/or to obtain bonuses. But what is going on every single day at the brokerage firms owned by all of these banking giants is that the stock broker (variously called a financial consultant, financial adviser or Vice President of Investments) is able to triple the commission he collects on the bonds he sells you at his discretion. It’s been that way for 30 years, if not longer. Let’s say you are buying a $10,000 corporate bond which the firm is showing on their computer screen with a one point commission. One point means $10 per thousand or a … Continue reading

Bill Clinton Era SEC Chair Tells Elizabeth Warren to Muzzle Herself

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 25, 2016  Yesterday, former SEC Chair Arthur Levitt penned an OpEd for the Wall Street Journal, effectively telling Senator Elizabeth Warren to stop criticizing Mary Jo White in public. White is the current Chair of the SEC that Senator Warren publicly asked President Obama to fire this month for her bad leadership. Senator Warren is a genuine champion of the investing public and understands how the SEC has become a lapdog to Wall Street under White’s inept leadership. Levitt is part of the Bill Clinton machine that de-regulated Wall Street and turned it into a massive looting racket in the 1990s through today. It’s important to take note of Levitt’s effort to muzzle Warren in the pages of the Wall Street Journal. Expect to see more of this coming from a lot more of Wall Street’s cronies. Arthur Levitt was appointed as SEC … Continue reading

Banker Deaths and WikiLeaks Deaths Have a Common Thread

By Pam Martens: October 23, 2016  Julian Assange, founder and Editor-in-Chief of WikiLeaks, is the man responsible for the daily release of emails showing the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to be an unprecedented machine whose tentacles and snitches reach into Wall Street, big corporations and big media. Earlier this year, WikiLeaks released emails showing that the Democratic National Committee had maliciously conspired to undermine the presidential campaign of Clinton challenger, Senator Bernie Sanders, in order to elevate Hillary Clinton to the top of the ticket. Now it has emerged that two of the top lawyers representing Assange, John Jones in London and Michael Ratner in New York, died within less than a month of each other this year. And, Assange’s closest confidant in London and a Director of WikiLeaks, Gavin Macfadyen, died just yesterday. Wall Street On Parade has carefully investigated the similarly unprecedented banker deaths over the past two … Continue reading

WikiLeaks: Citigroup Exec Gave Obama Recommendation of Hillary for State, Eric Holder for DOJ

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 21, 2016 If there is any truth to the allegation that Russia is behind the hacking of emails being released by WikiLeaks, then the American public owes Russia a huge debt of gratitude. At a time when the American people are sharply focused on how the leader of the free world is chosen, WikiLeaks is giving us an unprecedented, historical opportunity to understand how corporate money in politics has corrupted everything we believe in as a democracy. This week, for example, emails from WikiLeaks show that President Obama, using the email address of, was communicating directly with Michael Froman of Citigroup in 2008, who fed Obama lists of recommended appointments to his cabinet. In an email from Froman dated October 6, 2008, with Froman using his Citigroup email address of, Hillary Clinton shows up on Froman’s list for Secretary of State … Continue reading

Goldman Sachs Top Lawyer Is Part of a Secret Banking Cabal as CEO Blankfein Denies One Exists

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: October 20, 2016 There’s a new mantra making the rounds of Washington and Wall Street. No matter how big the lie you’re caught in, no matter how much documented evidence exists against you, just deny, deny, deny. That’s how Democratic National Committee Interim Chair Donna Brazile handled the email released by WikiLeaks showing that she leaked a debate question to Hillary Clinton; that’s how Hillary Clinton handled revelations about sending classified government material over an unclassified server in the basement of her home; and that’s how Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is handling the widespread public perception that there’s a banking cabal meeting in secret to plot its continued dominance over the interests of the average U.S. citizen. Yesterday, CNBC’s David Faber interviewed Blankfein and asked about the suggestion that Donald Trump had made on October 13 in a speech in West Palm Beach, … Continue reading