Elon Musk Abruptly Stops Accepting Bitcoin to Pay for Tesla Cars. Did He Learn that Bitcoin Uses More Electricity Per Year than Sweden or Malaysia?

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 13, 2021 ~ After just 49 days of wedded bliss, Elon Musk is divorcing Tesla from accepting payment for its cars in Bitcoin. It was just March 24 that Musk first Tweeted that Tesla would start accepting payment for its cars in Bitcoin. What caused the abrupt flip-flop? Elon Musk claims he wants to move the world toward a more environmentally sustainable future. Bitcoin is a sharp contradiction to that position. Terawatt-hours (TWh) are a standard unit used to measure electricity consumption. According to the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity Consumption Index (CBECI), Bitcoin is consuming more terawatt-hours than Sweden or Malaysia and close to the consumption of Egypt (a nation of 104 million people). (See chart above from CBECI.) Another not-so-fun fact from the CBECI, “the amount of electricity consumed by the Bitcoin network in one year could power all tea kettles used to boil … Continue reading

The Smartest Guys in the Room Call Bitcoin “Rat Poison Squared,” “a Colossal Pump-and-Dump Scheme” and “a Big Criminal Scam” but Federal Regulators Look the Other Way

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 12, 2021 ~ Anne Goldgar wrote of the Dutch Tulip bubble in her 2007 book, Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age, that “the f1000 one might pay in January 1637 for one hypothetical Admirael van der Eyck bulb,” could have bought “a modest house in Haarlem,” or “nearly three years’ wages” of a master carpenter. Comparing that to U.S. dollars in 2007, the year her book was released, Goldgar says it would be like one Tulip bulb selling for $12,000. Goldgar notes that as historians have looked back at this episode, the tulip mania of the 1630s in Holland has become a “byword for idiocy.” In his 1841 classic on market bubbles, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, the Scottish journalist Charles Mackay wrote this about the Tulip bubble: “The rage among the Dutch to possess them was so great that the … Continue reading

At $49.1 Trillion, the U.S. Stock Market Is Larger than the Combined GDP of the U.S., China, Japan and Germany


By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 11, 2021 ~ When the motherlode of stock market bubbles finally pops, exposing the corrupt edifices on which it was built, you can count on one thing for sure – there will be lots of testimony before Congress that no one could have seen it coming. The simple chart above, that took us 30 minutes to prepare in an Excel spreadsheet, is proof that anyone among the legions of Wall Street bank regulators at the Federal Reserve, the OCC, the FDIC, and the SEC can see what’s coming. The chart compares U.S. GDP to the total stock market value at December 31, 1999, prior to the bursting of the dot.com bubble; at December 31, 2007, prior to the bursting of the subprime and derivatives bubble; and on December 31, 2020, prior to the bursting of whatever the bailout boys decide to call this bubble. … Continue reading

Janet Yellen Is Attempting to Consolidate the Fed’s Power to “Supervise” Wall Street Banks

Janet Yellen

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 10, 2021 ~ You know there’s a problem when the media relations office at the Federal Reserve will not turn over the bio for one of its employees that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen just tapped to be the acting head of a key Wall Street banking regulator. After days of media rumors that Yellen was set to appoint Michael Hsu, an Associate Director of the Federal Reserve’s Division of Supervision and Regulation, to be the acting head of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Yellen made the announcement official on Friday. Hsu is set to assume that position today. We had attempted to obtain Hsu’s bio from the Federal Reserve for days. We were told they had no official bio. We asked for the resume Hsu provided when he was hired. We received no response. We then asked the Treasury Department’s … Continue reading

After Mega Banks Supervised by the Fed Lose Over $10 Billion to a Highly Leveraged Hedge Fund, Fed Puts Lipstick on a Pig in its Financial Stability Report

Federal Reserve Building, Washington, D.C.

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 7, 2021 ~ Remember the phrase “putting lipstick on a pig.” It became popular after the dot.com bust when it was learned that the big Wall Street banks had glowingly recommended “hot” new issues of stocks to their customers while secretly calling them “crap” and “dogs” in internal emails. Putting lipstick on a pig is what the Federal Reserve is attempting to do in the Financial Stability Report it released yesterday afternoon. Both the lipstick and the pig are captured in this paragraph on page 8 of the Fed’s report: “Banks remain well capitalized, and leverage at broker-dealers is low. Measures of hedge fund leverage are somewhat above their historical averages, but the data available may not capture important risks from hedge funds or other leveraged funds.” To unpack the scope of the Fed’s deception in this paragraph, one needs to first understand that … Continue reading

Gensler May Force Banks to Disclose Actual Owners of Stocks Under Archegos-Styled, Tricked-Up Derivative Contracts

Gary Gensler, SEC Chairman

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 6, 2021 ~ The House Financial Services Committee will hold its third hearing today at noon on the GameStop and other meme stock trading fiascos of January. It will be the first time that the newly sworn in Chair of the SEC, Gary Gensler, gives testimony to Congress. Thus, the written statement that Gensler provided to the Committee has been eagerly awaited by the denizens (and charlatans) of Wall Street for insight into his plans for reining in market abuses and regulatory dodges. While Gensler was just as ambiguous on most fronts in his statement for today’s hearing as he was in his testimony at his confirmation hearing, he did provide a strong hint that he may use the SEC’s authority to force the mega banks to accurately report the beneficial owners of stocks held under tricked-up derivative contracts. The public learned from the … Continue reading

Shhh! Don’t Tell Congress that the Cabal It’s Investigating Over GameStop and Archegos Quietly Got SEC Approval to Jointly Run their Own Stock Exchange


By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 5, 2021 ~ The House Financial Services Committee has released its official Memorandum outlining the general topics it wants to cover in tomorrow’s hearing on the wild trading action in GameStop and other meme stocks in January that has raised serious questions about U.S. market integrity. The implosion of the Archegos Capital Management family office hedge fund in March, which has generated losses of more than $10 billion thus far at global systemically important banks, will likely be a key topic when the Senate Banking and House Financial Services Committees haul Wall Street bank CEOs to hearings on May 26 and 27, respectively. An insightful paragraph in the Memorandum for the House hearing tomorrow reads as follows: “Testimony given at the first two GameStop hearings raised concerns about the market dominance of some capital market participants, as well as correlated risks arising from the … Continue reading

Here’s the $47.6 Billion Stock Portfolio Bill Gates Will Keep to Himself after His Divorce from Melinda

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 4, 2021 ~ It was just 11 days ago that we wrote the following about family office hedge funds like Archegos that are failing to publicly file a list of their stock positions along with the market values, as the SEC requires for entities managing more than $100 million: “Another example is billionaire Bill Gates’ family office, Cascade Investment LLC. According to CaproAsia it ranks number 3 among the world’s largest family offices with $51 billion in assets. Cascade Investment LLC hasn’t filed a 13F form with the SEC since the quarter ending September 30, 2008 (coincidentally, the same quarter that Wall Street blew itself up, taking the stock market along with it). At that point in time, Cascade Investment showed $4.32 billion in stock positions. Its only filings since that time simply show what stocks it’s acquired and sold, but not the 13F which … Continue reading

GameStop House Hearing this Thursday Will Look at Cozy Relationship of Wall Street’s Oversight Bodies: SEC, DTCC and FINRA

Congresswoman Maxine Waters

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 3, 2021 ~ The House Financial Services Committee is showing a decidedly gutsy streak under the Chairmanship of Congresswoman Maxine Waters. No less than four hearings this month will take a deep dive into the underpinnings of an out of control Wall Street. The kickoff begins this Thursday with the Committee’s third hearing on the wild trading action in shares of GameStop and other meme stocks. GameStop trades on the New York Stock Exchange but its trading pattern has looked more like that of a penny stock operated out of a boiler room – raising serious questions about the integrity of U.S. markets. On January 28, 2021 GameStop hit an intraday peak of $483, bringing its run from a share price of $18.84 on December 31, 2020 — a gain of 2,465 percent for a struggling brick and mortar retail outlet that sells video … Continue reading

Archegos Unpacked: Equity Derivative Contracts Held by Federally-Insured Banks Have Exploded from $737 Billion to $4.197 Trillion Since the Crash of 2008

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 30, 2021 ~ During Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s press conference this past Wednesday, he took a question from Brian Cheung of Yahoo Finance. The question was: “It seems like to people on the outside who might not follow finance daily, they’re paying attention to things like GameStop, now Dogecoin. And it seems like there’s interesting reach for yield in this market to some extent — also Archegos. So, does the Fed see a relationship between low rates and easy policy to those things, and is there a financial stability concern from the Fed’s perspective at this time?” As part of Powell’s long, meandering answer, he said this: “Leverage in the financial system is not a problem.” Within a second or so, Powell repeated himself: “Leverage in the financial system is not an issue.” (Read the full transcript here.) Either Powell has not read … Continue reading