Category Archives: Uncategorized

Here’s How the Fake Unemployment Number Was Created to Subdue Anger Against Wall Street

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 17, 2020 ~ On February 3, 2015, Jim Clifton, the Chairman and CEO of the iconic 85-year old polling company, Gallup, penned an article for his company in which he called the reported unemployment number issued by the U.S. Government “The Big Lie.” Wall Street On Parade has now discovered that a speech by former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and a statement made by the current Fed Chairman Jerome (Jay) Powell,  support the view that today’s reported unemployment rate of 3.5 percent is statistically impossible based on a long-held economic model known as “Okun’s Law.” Named after economist Arthur Okun, the economic law works like this according to a speech given by the Fed Chair Ben Bernanke in March 2012: “Okun noted that, because of ongoing increases in the size of the labor force and in the level of productivity, real GDP growth … Continue reading

New York Fed Considering Becoming Sugar Daddy to Hedge Funds as their Distress Grows

John Williams, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 16, 2020 ~ It’s apparently not enough of a billionaire subsidy for the U.S. Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service to give a monster tax break to hedge fund titans by allowing them to pay Federal taxes on the basis of “carried interest,” meaning that they have a special loophole to pay a lower tax rate than many school teachers, nurses and plumbers. Now, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, the Federal Reserve is actually considering opening its super-cheap repo loan money spigot to hedge funds. It doesn’t get any crazier than this. Morphing from a central bank mandated to set monetary policy on the basis of maximum employment and stable prices, to the lender-of-last-resort to the criminally-charged trading houses on Wall Street and now, potentially, to the insider-trading/Big Short hedge funds, the New York Fed has totally lost its way if … Continue reading

JPMorgan’s Historic Earnings Confirm that Fed Loans Are Subsidizing Profits on Wall Street

Jamie Dimon Sits in Front of Trading Monitor in his Office (Source -- 60 Minutes Interview, November 10, 2019)

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 15, 2020 ~ The New York Fed is back to subsidizing billions of dollars in profits at Wall Street’s trading houses, just as it did during the financial crisis. Yesterday, JPMorgan Chase reported that its profits for the quarter ending December 31, 2019 hit an all-time record. (The bank has been around for more than a century, so that’s saying something.) The quarterly profits were $8.52 billion – for the same three-month period in which the New York Fed has been flooding unnamed Wall Street trading houses with hundreds of billions of dollars each week in super cheap loans. The so-called “repo loans” by the New York Fed are being made at a fraction of where the free market would price loans to these Wall Street trading houses. On September 17, 2019, the first day the Fed began this open money spigot to … Continue reading

Has President Trump Become the Pied Piper of Wall Street Along with the New York Fed?

Donald Trump -- Pied Piper to Wall Street (Thumbnail)

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 14, 2020 ~ Donald Trump continues to go out of his way to tie his reelection chances to the stock market setting new highs by perpetually taking credit for its gains on his Twitter page. No other sitting U.S. president in history has done that because they have all been aware of how fast trends can change in the stock market. In fact, we recall a previous Republican President, George W. Bush, being dismissive of the stock market, saying “they run it up and they run it down,” or words to that effect. (On Wall Street that’s known as a bull raid and a bear raid.) On January 9 President Trump delivered the message below on his Twitter page, mistakenly referring to a 401(K) as a 409K. The implication is that Trump has rallied the stock market by 70 to 90 percent and … Continue reading

Are the Fed’s Repo Loans Being Repaid by Wall Street’s Trading Houses or Just Rolled Over and Over?

Trader on the Open Markets Trading Desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 13, 2020 ~  Last Friday, the usually reliable and fact-intensive financial website, Wolf Street, threw a hissy fit over how the Wall Street Journal (and by extension, Wall Street On Parade) is reporting the tallies for the repo loans that the New York Fed has been pumping out every business day since September 17, 2019 to the trading houses on Wall Street. The inflammatory headline blared: “The Wall Street Journal (and Other Media) Should Stop Lying About Repos.” The author of the piece, Wolf Richter, explained his criticism as follows: “Here is the ‘in’ of a repurchase agreement [repo loan]: The Fed buys securities (mostly Treasury securities and some agency mortgage-backed securities) in exchange for cash. This adds liquidity to the market. “Here is the ‘out’ of a repurchase agreement: Every repo matures on a set date when the counterparties are obligated to buy the … Continue reading

Both Boeing and the New York Fed Have Been Hiding Dangerous Truths from the American People

New York Stock Exchange Floor

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 10, 2020 ~  The design of the Boeing 737 Max and the Wall Street banking system are both dangerously flawed. The 737 Max has been grounded for almost 10 months following two airline crashes that killed 346 people. The Wall Street banking system, which crashed in 2008 and spread its wreckage into the lives of millions of Americans with job losses, home foreclosures, and trillions of dollars in lost savings is still being allowed to operate on a wing and a prayer. In the case of the Boeing 737 Max, Congress did not know beforehand that dangerous problems existed. In the case of the Wall Street banking system, Congress has had repeated warnings since 2012 of systemic dangers that it has simply chosen to ignore under heavy Wall Street lobbying pressure and the allure of tens of millions of dollars in political campaign … Continue reading

World Bank Releases Bleak Outlook for U.S. Growth this Year through 2022

U.S. Activity Indicators (Thumbnail)

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 9, 2020 ~ Yesterday the World Bank released a report forecasting a decidedly bleak outlook for GDP growth in advanced economies. The U.S. is expected to grow at just 1.8 percent this year and a further drop to 1.7 percent in 2021 and 2022. That forecast throws extremely cold water on what Donald Trump promised just two years ago. On December 6, 2017 President Donald Trump stated at a news conference that his giant corporate tax cut (which Congress ended up passing later that same month) could boost GDP growth to “4, 5 and even 6 percent.” (See video clip below.) In 2018, U.S. GDP registered 2.9 percent and GDP growth for 2019 is expected to drop to approximately 2.2 percent, according to the Federal Reserve’s latest forecast. Thus, a tax cut that has spiraled the United States’ national debt to over $23 … Continue reading

Fed’s Balance Sheet Explodes by $413 Billion in 119 Days

JPMorgan Chase Building

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 8, 2020 ~ On September 4, 2019, the assets on the balance sheet of the Federal Reserve stood at $3.761 trillion. As of January 1, that figure is $4,173,626,000,000. That’s an increase of $413 billion in just the past 119 days and the Fed does not seem inclined to turn off its money spigot to Wall Street anytime soon. At the rate the Fed is now going, its balance sheet is likely to eclipse the $4.5 trillion all-time high it reached in 2015 as a result of the unprecedented sums it funneled to Wall Street following the epic financial crash in 2008 and its three rounds of quantitative easing (QE) to keep interest rates low to appease Wall Street’s trading houses and their trillions of dollars in interest-rate derivative bets. When Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, testified to the Senate … Continue reading

Stock Exposure Has Exploded at JPMorgan’s Federally-Insured Bank to $2.4 Trillion

Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 7, 2020 ~ Federally-insured banks are not supposed to be making large speculations in the stock market. They are supposed to be using bank deposits to make loans to worthy businesses and consumers to help grow the U.S. economy and keep the United States competitive on the global stage. But according to the official reports from the federal regulator of national banks, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), since December 31, 2010 the federally-insured bank owned by the monster trading house of JPMorgan Chase (JPMorgan Chase Bank NA) has increased its equity (stock) derivative bets from $337 billion to $2.4 trillion as of its latest report for the quarter ending September 30, 2019. (The data is found in a graph titled “Table 10” in the appendix of each of the quarterly reports published by the OCC.)  During the period that … Continue reading

Federal Reserve Admits It Pumped More than $6 Trillion to Wall Street in Recent Six Week Period

New York Fed Headquarters Building in Lower Manhattan

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 6, 2020 ~ If the Federal Reserve was looking for a media lockdown on news about the trillions of dollars in cumulative repo loans it has funneled quietly to Wall Street’s trading houses since September 17 of last year, it could not have found a better cloud cover than Donald Trump. First the impeachment proceedings bumped the Fed’s money spigot from newspaper headlines. Then, this past Friday, as the Fed released its December meeting minutes at 2:00 p.m., with its highly anticipated plans to be announced for the future of this vast money giveaway to Wall Street, that news was ignored as the media scrambled to cover Trump’s “termination” of General Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force, which raised the immediate specter of a retaliatory strike against the U.S. by Iran. The Fed’s minutes revealed that after multiple expansions of this … Continue reading