Search Results for: JPMorgan

News Blackout: On the First Day of the Fed’s Money Market Fund Bailouts, JPMorgan Funds Borrowed $8.97 Billion – 32 Percent of the Total

Jamie Dimon Sits in Front of Trading Monitor in his Office (Source -- 60 Minutes Interview, November 10, 2019)

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: April 11, 2022 ~ On Thursday, March 31, the Federal Reserve released the names of the Wall Street trading houses and the amounts they had borrowed under three of the Fed’s emergency bailout programs. The data included the Fed’s repo loans for the first quarter of 2020 — the Fed is releasing the repo loan information after a two-year lag on a quarter-by-quarter basis, thus obfuscating a clear snapshot for the life of the program; the Fed’s Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF); and the Fed’s Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility (MMLF). The Fed also released on March 31 the transaction details for its Commercial Paper Funding Facility but that essentially just showed which commercial paper had become toxic on Wall Street while the other three programs illustrated which units of the mega global banks had become illiquid and needed Fed bailouts stretching over many … Continue reading

Two Dow Stocks, Two Cultures of Corruption: Boeing versus JPMorgan Chase

Boeing KC-46 Aerial Refueler

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 25, 2022 ~ Boeing and JPMorgan Chase are two of the component stocks of the 30-stock index known as the Dow Jones Industrial Average, which is broadly considered to be a barometer of the growth prospects of the U.S. economy. Both companies have been criminally charged by the U.S. Department of Justice in the recent past. (In the case of JPMorgan Chase, it has been charged with an unprecedented five criminal felony counts since 2014.) Both companies were part of badly conceived mergers that headed them toward a culture of corruption. On January 7 of last year, the U.S. Department of Justice entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with Boeing over a one-count criminal charge of a conspiracy to defraud the United States. Acting Assistant Attorney General David P. Burns of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division said this about Boeing’s conduct: “The tragic crashes … Continue reading

While JPMorgan Is Saying “Buy,” Morgan Stanley Is Advising Clients to “Sell”

Mike Wilson, Chief U.S. Equity Strategist and Chief Investment Officer for Morgan Stanley

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 21, 2022 ~ The Fed has just raised its benchmark interest rate by a quarter point with a projection of six more rate hikes ahead this year – which is usually the death knell for stocks. Russia has invaded Ukraine, a sovereign country of 44 million people, which has forced NATO countries to provide weapons to Ukraine. This has brought threats of retaliation from Russian President Vladimir Putin, creating the worst military crisis since the beginning of World War II. None of this is the stuff of which bull markets in stocks are made. Despite that, the wizards at JPMorgan Chase are telling its millions of clients around the world that it’s time to buy this stock market. (Before you decide to take advice from JPMorgan Chase, you may want to read this.) Even more interesting, the half of JPMorgan that was split off … Continue reading

5-Count Felon JPMorgan Is at the Center of a New, Multi-Billion Dollar Trading Scandal

Jamie Dimon Sits in Front of Trading Monitor in his Office (Source -- 60 Minutes Interview, November 10, 2019)

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 15, 2022 ~ Traders who feel they were robbed of their profits trading nickel last week at the London Metal Exchange (LME) have taken to Twitter to verbally accuse the LME of favoring their “cronies” and behaving like “slime balls.” Lining up as crony suspect Number 1 are units of JPMorgan Chase who, together, hold the largest number of Class B shares in the London Metal Exchange than any other member. Those units are J.P. Morgan Markets Limited with 25,000 shares; J.P. Morgan Metals Limited with 19,100 shares; and J.P. Morgan Securities with 25,000 shares for a total of 69,100 Class B shares, according to a listing of shareholders on the LME’s website. In addition, the CEO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchanges and Clearing (HKEX), which bought the LME in 2012, is Nicolas Aguzin. He joined the HKEX last May after spending 31 … Continue reading

Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Are in the Hot Seat: Sever Cozy Ties with Russia or Earn the Wrath of U.S. and EU Clients

Wall Street Bank Logos with Russian Flag

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: March 11, 2022 ~ Russia began its brutal invasion of Ukraine on February 24. Two days later the European Commission, U.S., U.K. and Canada announced sweeping sanctions, which have grown in granular details since then. By early this week, hundreds of corporations with the most famous brands in the world had announced that they were closing their stores in Russia, or ceasing to ship their products there, or severing joint business operations in a rebuke to Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine. But it wasn’t until this past Wednesday that anyone heard a peep from the largest U.S. banks on Wall Street about their plans to cease operations in Russia. Citigroup made its ambiguous announcement on Wednesday, March 9, followed by equally vague statements by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase on Thursday, March 10. A slogan of “The Coalition of the Timid” came to mind. Citigroup’s … Continue reading

VEB, the Russian Bank Sanctioned by Biden Yesterday, Has an Uncomfortable History with Jared Kushner, JPMorgan and Citigroup

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: February 23, 2022 ~ Yesterday, President Biden announced a roster of sanctions against Russia over its aggression against Ukraine. (A much broader set of sanctions is planned against Russia by the U.S. and its allies if there is a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia, according to U.S. government officials.) One of the entities sanctioned yesterday was state-owned Russian bank Vnesheconombank (VEB). In a related statement on the sanctions by the U.S. Treasury, it describes VEB as follows: “VEB’s $53 billion asset portfolio makes it large enough to be among Russia’s top five financial institutions. VEB occupies a unique role in Russia’s financial system as the servicer of Russia’s sovereign debt, financier for exports, and a funding source for investment projects with a loan portfolio of over $20 billion. VEB finances Russia’s national economic development, including large-scale projects to develop domestic infrastructure and other industries … Continue reading

JPMorgan’s Board Made Jamie Dimon a Billionaire as the Bank Rigged Markets, Laundered Money, and Admitted to Five Felony Counts

Jamie Dimon Being Sworn In at House Financial Services Committee Hearing, May 27, 2021

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 21, 2022 ~ Yesterday’s headline making the rounds was that JPMorgan Chase’s Board had given its Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, a pay raise to $34.5 million for 2021 that was 10 percent more than 2020. That headline provides an instructive lesson in what passes for breaking news today at mainstream media outlets when it comes to Wall Street’s megabanks. The majority of Americans aren’t outraged and demanding that Congress reform Wall Street because mainstream media has overtly decided to keep the public in the dark. The real breaking news is that despite JPMorgan Chase admitting to five criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice over the past 7 years for rigging markets and laundering money for Bernie Madoff, the financial criminal of the century, the Board of JPMorgan Chase has not sacked Dimon, the man who sat at the helm … Continue reading

Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed’s Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019

Fed's Repo Loans to Largest Borrowers, Q4 2019, Adjusted for Term of Loan -- Thumbprint

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 17, 2022 ~ The Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 ordered the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an investigative body for Congress, to audit the Fed’s alphabet soup of emergency lending programs conducted during and after the 2008 financial crisis. The GAO found that a cumulative $16.1 trillion had been pumped out to Wall Street firms by the Fed – at super cheap interest rates. The GAO provided data for the peak amounts outstanding and also a cumulative total. Why is a cumulative total essential and relevant? Because one institution in 2008, Citigroup, was insolvent for much of the time the Fed was flooding it with cheap loans. (Under law, the Fed is not allowed to make loans to an insolvent institution.) And when an insolvent institution is getting loans rolled over and over by the Fed for a span of two and a half … Continue reading

Judge Rakoff Signs a Dangerous Protective Order in Whistleblower Case Against 5-Count Felon JPMorgan Chase

Judge Jed Rakoff

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 12, 2022 ~ On January 6, Senior U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff signed a dangerous Protective Order in the Shaquala Williams v JPMorgan Chase case which resides in the Southern District of New York. Williams is a whistleblower who has critically important information to share with the public regarding this five-count felon bank. The Protective Order may make it impossible for the public to ever learn the essential details of what Williams is alleging. We’ll get to the problematic parts of the Protective Order shortly, but first some necessary background. Williams is an attorney who formerly worked in compliance at JPMorgan Chase. Part of her role was to make sure that the bank adhered to a non-prosecution agreement it had signed with the Justice Department in 2016. In 2016 the Justice Department had charged that JPMorgan’s Asia subsidiary engaged in quid pro quo agreements with … Continue reading

By Pancaking Term Loans, JPMorgan Had $30 Billion Outstanding from the Fed’s Emergency Repo Loans in the Last Quarter of 2019

Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: December 31, 2021 ~ Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, likes to perpetually brag about his bank’s “fortress balance sheet.” But in the fall of 2019, that fortress needed to borrow huge sums of money from the Federal Reserve – for still unexplained reasons. The trading units of other Wall Street banks also borrowed large sums from the Fed but they haven’t branded themselves as the “fortress balance sheet.” Yesterday, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York released the names of the banks and the dollar amounts that were borrowed under its emergency repo loan operations for the last quarter of 2019. It had previously released the data for the period of September 17, 2019 through September 30, 2019. The Fed has yet to release the data for the emergency repo loan operations in 2020. Repo loans, short for repurchase agreements, are supposed … Continue reading