Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Fake Twitter Account Was Set Up in Our Name; Here’s What Happened Next


By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 26, 2022 ~ Wall Street On Parade has the following business model: we focus our attention on research and bringing important facts and news about Wall Street and its perpetual sugar daddy, the Fed, to our readers. If our readers feel these articles deserve a wider circulation, we encourage them to link to them on their own social media pages. This spares us the downtime of engaging on social media, thus giving us more time for research. This business model has worked well for us for a decade. On January 14 we were doing research for an upcoming article when we accidentally stumbled upon a Twitter page called @wallstonparade. It was using our full trademarked name, “Wall Street On Parade,” and displaying our copyright. It was also using our slogan: “A Citizen Guide to Wall Street” and posting sections of our daily articles. Fortunately, … Continue reading

Federal Agency Censors Names of Banks in a Bombshell Study on Wall Street’s Dangerous Derivatives 

Five U.S. Mega Banks Are Highly Interconnected

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 25, 2022 ~ The Office of Financial Research (OFR) is the federal agency created under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010. Its role is to provide early warnings to U.S. bank regulators and the public of systemic risks that threaten U.S. financial stability, so that another 2008-style Wall Street crisis can never again devastate the U.S. economy. The OFR was doing an outstanding job of sounding alarm bells until the Trump administration gutted the agency. The Biden administration has clearly not done enough to restore the integrity of the office. Consider the research report that was released by the OFR on July 12 of last year, which we just discovered yesterday. The report is titled: “Counterparty Choice, Bank Interconnectedness, and Systemic Risk.” The researchers, Andrew Ellul and Dasol Kim, examined 18 different over-the-counter (OTC) derivative markets and noted the following: “Bank interconnectedness through … Continue reading

A Look at What Happened in 2018 When the Fed Raised Interest Rates Four Times

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 24, 2022 ~ Bloomberg News ran this headline over the weekend: “U.S. Stocks Historically Deliver Strong Gains in Fed Hike Cycles.” For a reminder to our readers of what happened in 2018, the last time the Fed gently tapped its foot on the brake four times, we’ve listed below some of the headlines we ran in 2018 at Wall Street On Parade. The Fed was not at all aggressive with rate hikes in 2018: it gently raised the Fed Funds rate by a quarter of a point on March 22, June 14, September 27 and December 20. But that was enough to deeply unsettle markets – particularly the megabanks on Wall Street. Consider these headlines and the details in the articles: Yesterday’s Stock Market Plunge Saw Indiscriminate Dumping of Stocks Wall Street Banks Tank Yesterday as Contagion Threat Grows The Fed Gives Wall … Continue reading

Can the Fed Engineer a Soft Landing for the Biggest Bubble Since $12,000 Tulip Bulbs?


By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 21, 2022 ~ In her 2007 book, Tulipmania: Money, Honor, and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age, Anne Goldgar writes that a tulip bulb in 1637 sold for the equivalent of $12,000 in 2007 money. Now think about the tens of millions of dollars that were spent last year for one NFT.  It’s pretty clear that Tulipmania has nothing on the Fed-induced Bubblemania that is currently in the early stages of The Great Unwind. Goldgar points out that as historians have looked back, the tulip mania of the 1630s in Holland has become a “byword for idiocy.” At least a tulip bulb is a thing of beauty that reblooms year after year. Bitcoin, called “rat poison squared” by Warren Buffett, one of the smartest investors of all time, is not a thing of beauty, has nothing backing it, and is currently in free fall. After … Continue reading

JPMorgan’s Board Made Jamie Dimon a Billionaire as the Bank Rigged Markets, Laundered Money, and Admitted to Five Felony Counts

Jamie Dimon Being Sworn In at House Financial Services Committee Hearing, May 27, 2021

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 21, 2022 ~ Yesterday’s headline making the rounds was that JPMorgan Chase’s Board had given its Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, a pay raise to $34.5 million for 2021 that was 10 percent more than 2020. That headline provides an instructive lesson in what passes for breaking news today at mainstream media outlets when it comes to Wall Street’s megabanks. The majority of Americans aren’t outraged and demanding that Congress reform Wall Street because mainstream media has overtly decided to keep the public in the dark. The real breaking news is that despite JPMorgan Chase admitting to five criminal felony counts brought by the U.S. Department of Justice over the past 7 years for rigging markets and laundering money for Bernie Madoff, the financial criminal of the century, the Board of JPMorgan Chase has not sacked Dimon, the man who sat at the helm … Continue reading

Is Citigroup Under Orders from Its Regulators to Break Itself Up?

Jane Fraser, Citigroup CEO

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 20, 2022 ~ The last thing that Fed Chairman Powell needs in his second term are the sleazy details of the Fed’s trading scandal being released by investigators and to have to bail out the same megabank that Fed Chair Bernanke secretly bailed out from December 2007 through at least mid-July 2010. Obviously, we’re talking about Citigroup. Citigroup has been announcing major asset sales so rapidly since December that one has to wonder if the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and/or the Fed is cracking the whip. (We’ll get to the significant details of why that might be the case in a moment.) On January 11, Citigroup announced that it intended to sell its consumer, small business and middle-market banking operations of Banco Nacional de México, otherwise known as Banamex. In 2017, Citigroup settled a criminal probe with the U.S. Department of Justice … Continue reading

A Nomura Document May Shed Light on the Repo Blowup and Fed Bailout of the Gang of Six in 2019

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Testifying Before Senate Banking Committee, November 30, 2021

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 19, 2022 ~ There are numerous reasons that members of Congress, bank regulators, and mainstream media don’t want to talk about the repo blowup in 2019 and the massive Fed bailout that followed. Economist Michael Hudson previously explained how the Fed lacked authority to bail out a handful of trading houses on Wall Street under the dictates of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation. Dodd-Frank restricted the Fed to using its emergency lending powers to rescue a “broad base” of the U.S. financial system. As we detailed on Monday, there was no “broad base” of the U.S. financial system being bailed out by the Fed in the last quarter of 2019: 62 percent of a cumulative $19.87 trillion in rolled-over repo loans went to just six trading houses: Nomura Securities International ($3.7 trillion); J.P. Morgan Securities ($2.59 trillion); Goldman Sachs ($1.67 trillion); Barclays Capital ($1.48 … Continue reading

After Its President Created the Biggest Trading Scandal in Fed History, Dallas Fed Chair Calls Robert Kaplan’s Tenure “Great Leadership”

Thomas J. Falk Represents the Public on the Dallas Fed Board of Directors

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 18, 2022 ~ Last Thursday evening, at 5:00 p.m. Dallas time and 6:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, when millions of folks on the East Coast are sitting down for dinner, the Dallas Fed held a virtual Town Hall. Given the fact that the President of the Dallas Fed, Robert Kaplan, had to step down in disgrace in September, after trading like a hedge fund kingpin in 2020 while simultaneously having access to confidential market-moving information as a voting member of the Fed’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), there was a very good reason for the Dallas Fed to hold a Town Hall. But stunningly, the tone-deaf Dallas Fed did not focus the Town Hall on how its Board and management had negligently supervised Robert Kaplan, allowing him to trade in and out of S&P 500 futures in over $1 million trades during a year … Continue reading

Nomura, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs Received a Cumulative $8 Trillion from the Fed’s Emergency Repo Loans in Fourth Quarter of 2019

Fed's Repo Loans to Largest Borrowers, Q4 2019, Adjusted for Term of Loan -- Thumbprint

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 17, 2022 ~ The Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 ordered the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an investigative body for Congress, to audit the Fed’s alphabet soup of emergency lending programs conducted during and after the 2008 financial crisis. The GAO found that a cumulative $16.1 trillion had been pumped out to Wall Street firms by the Fed – at super cheap interest rates. The GAO provided data for the peak amounts outstanding and also a cumulative total. Why is a cumulative total essential and relevant? Because one institution in 2008, Citigroup, was insolvent for much of the time the Fed was flooding it with cheap loans. (Under law, the Fed is not allowed to make loans to an insolvent institution.) And when an insolvent institution is getting loans rolled over and over by the Fed for a span of two and a half … Continue reading

Economist Michael Hudson Says the Fed “Broke the Law” with its Repo Loans to Wall Street Trading Houses

Economist Michael Hudson

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 14, 2022 ~ Even within economic circles, there is a growing nervousness that the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States – with the power to electronically create money out of thin air, bail out insolvent Wall Street megabanks, balloon its balance sheet to $8.8 trillion without one elected person on its Board while the U.S. taxpayer is on the hook for 98 percent of that, and allow its Dallas Fed Bank President to make directional bets on the market by trading in and out of million dollar S&P 500 futures during a declared national emergency – has carved out a no-law zone around itself. The latest ruckus stems from the Fed’s release on December 30 of the names of the 23 Wall Street trading houses and the billions they borrowed under its cumulative $11.23 trillion emergency repo loan facility that the … Continue reading