Senator Jeff Merkley Says Federal Reserve and OCC Agreed to “Fictitious Accounting”: $6 Billion of Bank Foreclosure Settlement Could Amount to Just $12 Million

By Pam Martens: April 18, 2013 The past week has delivered revelation after revelation suggesting that the foreclosure frauds perpetrated against the American homeowner by the too-big-to-fail (or prosecute) banks, have been deviously matched with a corrupted settlement that has members of Senate hearings shaking their heads in astonishment. Yesterday brought the latest example of Federal bank regulators serving as lapdogs of their charges. The Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Housing, Transportation and Community Development held a hearing titled: “Helping Homeowners Harmed by Foreclosures: Ensuring Accountability and Transparency in Foreclosure Reviews, Part II.” Senator Merkley delivered the fireworks of the session. Early this year, when the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and Federal Reserve Board (Fed) announced that they were abruptly halting the Independent Foreclosure Reviews they had ordered 13 banks and mortgage servicers to have conducted by independent consultants, the party line was that it was … Continue reading

Meet the Two Men Behind Promontory Financial Group, Architect of a Growing Foreclosure Settlement Scandal

By Pam Martens: April 17, 2013  When dazzlingly credentialed consultants are paid over $2 billion by some of the largest banks in the country to ostensibly restore trust among consumers by making a serious effort to root out foreclosure fraud and provide just restitution to the victims, what one doesn’t expect is for the exorbitantly paid consultants to trigger a Senate investigation, national media probes, two critical reports by the General Accountability Office and an explosion of outrage by foreclosure victims on hot social media sites.  While the government’s so-called Independent Foreclosure Review resulted in seven firms being hired by banks and mortgage servicers, the consultancy firm taking the brunt of the scrutiny, and rightfully so, is Promontory Financial Group. Its business model is only slightly less dangerous than the too-big-to-fail banks that employ it for everything from cost-cutting to regulatory reviews.  Promontory Financial Group was founded in 2001 by … Continue reading

The Foreclosure Settlement Scandal: It’s All About Paying Former Regulators Billions

By Pam Martens: April 16, 2013 The $3.6 billion in checks from a government approved settlement fund for victims of foreclosure abuse by the country’s biggest banks and mortgage servicers began arriving in mailboxes this week, with additional mailings to extend into July. But what should also be tucked into the envelope is a truth in advertising disclaimer stating that the government is now disavowing the use of the phrase “Independent Foreclosure Review” as a hyperbolic and untruthful characterization. The process was anything but “independent” and out of more than 4 million foreclosure files potentially stuffed with evidence of illegal activity on the part of banks, only 100,000 files were actually reviewed, not even enough to constitute a reliable statistical sampling. In a Senate hearing last Thursday, Senator Elizabeth Warren revealed for the first time that it was the actual banks that engaged in the illegal foreclosure activities, not the so-called … Continue reading

Elizabeth Warren’s Foreclosure Settlement Bombshell: Banks Determined the Number of Victims of Their Own Foreclosure Frauds

By Pam Martens: April 12, 2013  There is only one thing more Kafkaesque than the ongoing Wall Street frauds and that is watching a live United States Senate investigation of a diabolical settlement the banks themselves concocted to repay the victims of their own fraud. Such was the case yesterday when Senators Sherrod Brown, Jack Reed, and Elizabeth Warren grilled regulators from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and Federal Reserve along with outside consultants over allowing banks to hand pick the consultants to do their foreclosure reviews, negotiate confidentiality agreements with them and pay them directly. Hundreds of millions of dollars in checks from the Foreclosure Review settlement will start going out today, eventually topping $3.6 billion in the cash portion of the settlement, and yet it was revealed during yesterday’s Senate hearing that it was the actual banks that engaged in the illegal foreclosure actions that tallied up … Continue reading

Wall Street Journal De-Links Story That Jamie Dimon Will Meet the President at the White House Today

By Pam Martens: April 11, 2013  If President Obama is trying to make it clear that he reports to the 1 percent, not the average Americans who elected him, he’s earning an A+ on his report card.  At 6:46 p.m. last evening, the White House sent out the President’s schedule for today. One item on the agenda reads as follows: “Later in the morning, the President will meet with members of the Financial Services Forum as part of the organization’s daylong Spring Meeting. This meeting in the Roosevelt Room is closed press.” There is no mention in this press announcement that the President will be meeting with the CEOs of the too-big-to-fail banks – certainly a detail worthy of the public’s attention. Early this morning, the Wall Street Journal’s link on the front page of its web site to its story on the President’s meet-up with members of the Financial Services … Continue reading

Progressives Rage Outside the White House Over Plan to Cut Social Security: Is This the Birth of a New Third Party

By Pam Martens: April 10, 2013  In what is likely an historical first for a Democratic President, groups that were his most loyal and hardworking supporters during last year’s campaign massed outside the White House yesterday to pronounce the President a traitor to his people and his party.  Just five months after spending millions from their campaign war chests and an equal amount of volunteer hours, the progressive groups who delivered a second term to Barack Obama feel betrayed. Using unusually harsh language and delivering 2.3 million signed petitions, the President’s base came to warn Congressional Democrats against falling in lockstep with the President.  The uproar comes over the President’s plan, to be unveiled today in his budget proposal, to cut Social Security payments by indexing benefits to a chained Consumer Price Index (CPI), a process viewed as a rigged system of reducing payments over time to the Nation’s most … Continue reading

Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Pushes the Anti Social Security, Pro Wall Street Agenda

By Pam Martens: April 9, 2013  The Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew, has been in office a mere 15 business days and has already logged more foreign travel on the taxpayers’ tab than most executive branch personnel see in a year.  Lew was sworn in on March 20, 2013. Five days later he was sitting in Beijing chatting it up with China’s President Xi Jinping. Yesterday and today, he’s flitting about Europe. His agenda includes meetings in Brussels with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro and European Commission Vice President Olli Rehn, and European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier. Lew was also scheduled to meet in Frankfurt with European Central Bank President Mario Draghi.  Today, Lew heads to Berlin to have a conversation with German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schauble. Lew’s meeting … Continue reading

President Obama’s Plan to Cut Social Security Benefits

By Pam Martens: April 8, 2013 President Obama is expected to release his budget proposal this week and, as confirmed by his administration over the weekend, he is planning to cut Social Security benefits for seniors, veterans and people with disabilities by indexing payments to chained CPI. Damon Silvers, Director of Policy for the AFL-CIO, sent an angry email alert to members over the weekend, saying the action was “unprecedented for a Democratic president” and that chained CPI is “a discredited way of calculating annual cost-of-living increases that does not keep up with actual costs, eating into benefits.” Damon said the president’s proposal would also “require middle-class seniors — people who make $47,000 a year and more — to pay higher Medicare premiums.” (Read the full statement from the AFL-CIO below.) The sellout by the President, who was elected to save Social Security not gut it, was confirmed by administrative sources. … Continue reading

Senate Sets Hearing on Crony Consultants Handed $2 Billion for Unreliable Foreclosure Reviews

By Pam Martens: April 5, 2013  Last evening, the U.S. Senate’s Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection, part of the Senate Banking Committee, announced the details of its much anticipated hearing slated for next Thursday, April 11, to peel away the multi layers of darkness surrounding the government’s hastily scrapped plan for in-depth, “independent” reviews of bank foreclosure files that were to make victims of foreclosure abuse whole.  The Senate Subcommittee, which includes Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, and Jeff Merkley – who have sufficiently removed their rose-colored glasses regarding continuing Wall Street corruption to function as useful investigators – will focus on the role of the outside consultants that were hired and paid directly by banks to conduct what were promised to be unbiased reviews. The hearing is titled Outsourcing Accountability? Examining the Role of Independent Consultants and is slated for 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Dirksen Senate Office … Continue reading

Courts and Regulators Keep Wall Street’s Dirtiest Secrets

By Pam Martens: April 4, 2013  In a March 25, 2013 letter to Wall Street regulators, Senator Elizabeth Warren and U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings warned that “Criminal activity should not be shielded by regulators as if it constitutes proprietary information or trade secrets.”  And yet that is exactly how Federal Courts and Wall Street regulators are functioning today – as sealed vaults for Wall Street’s dirtiest secrets.  Take the case of Abu Dhabi Investment Authority v. Citigroup. Abu Dhabi is a U.S. ally. It invests the surplus cash of the country through its sovereign wealth fund, the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, known throughout Wall Street as ADIA. In 2010, ADIA charged Citigroup with lying and defrauding it out of $4 billion in connection with a $7.5 billion investment it made in Citigroup when the company was teetering in November 2007.  ADIA could not bring its charges in an open public courtroom. It had … Continue reading