Republicans Place PAC-Like Ad on U.S. Government Web Site

By Pam Martens: June 24, 2012

Spencer Bachus is the Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives’ Financial Services Committee.  That’s the body that oversees Wall Street.  Given the corruption and hubris of Wall Street, one would think that this Committee would treat financial reform seriously.

But the first thing one sees when visiting the web site of this Committee is a highly politicized slide show bashing the duly passed Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation and the Democrats.

While it’s true that Dodd-Frank lacked adequate teeth to reform Wall Street, the Republicans don’t want to strengthen the legislation, they want to further deregulate Wall Street.

This slide show is a brazen misuse of a taxpayer-funded web site and yet another striking example of why Congress ranks so low in public esteem.

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