On the Eve of Netanyahu’s Address to Congress, Senator Bernie Sanders Delivers a Breathtaking Assessment of His War Crimes

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: July 25, 2024 ~ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to pull off a public relations coup to build support for his war in Gaza has backfired badly. On the evening before Netanyahu was set to address a joint session of Congress yesterday afternoon, one of the most respected members of the U.S. Senate, independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, took to the Senate floor to deliver a scathing breakdown of Netanyahu’s war crimes against the people of Gaza. Senator Sanders is Jewish, making his assessment of Netanyahu’s atrocities all the more poignant. A transcript, verified by us, of Senator Sanders’ full remarks is provided below as well as a video of his full remarks. Sanders also broke some major news in his remarks on Tuesday, stating this: “Just today, Madam President, I’m happy to say that seven major trade unions here in the United … Continue reading On the Eve of Netanyahu’s Address to Congress, Senator Bernie Sanders Delivers a Breathtaking Assessment of His War Crimes